Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Chevy Kappa - what GM could have done with the platform...

Chevy Kapp?
Personal File: Like many others who are passionate about the automobile, one of the most painful parts of the GM bankruptcy/buyout last year was the loss of the KAPPA platform. If given another development cycle, I think GM could have had one of the best small two seaters available on the market. We'll never know what would have happened if things turned out differently, but it is fun to ponder if GM had deemed the platform a necessity to keep.

Since Chevy would have no small coupe or small convertible ready for the 2011 model year (no Cruze coupe or convertible would be available), I bet GM would have slotted the Saturn based KAPPA into that segment void. Since it already has a lot of what I would call 'Corvette DNA' in the design, a rebadged Saturn Sky would have fit nicely into the lineup.

Using a Sky Redline mixed with a little of the WTCC concept from a few years back, and some custom brushwork, this is my take - the Chevrolet Stingray. What do you think? Quite a looker I must say and something that would not be out of place slotted underneath the Camaro and Corvette!

All source photos copyright original owners

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