Rewind: This is the ninth in a series of posts where I dive into detail of the work completed for Edmunds InsideLine engagements.
Creative Brief: Scott Oldham contacted me with a very exciting opportunity to render the then-just revealed Nissan 370Z as a convertible. He needed a quick turunaround and there were not yet many 370Z pictures online. Somehow he pulled some strings and procured a camo-protected prototype of the 370Z so I could get some shots of the car to use. For the convertible elements, I initially decided on a Saturn Sky but it was too easy to see that the details were Saturn. I started over with the last generation 350Z convertible as the main donor. With that element settled, significant clean up work was needed on the body and finally recolor the car blue.
Execution Highlights - Front
- Donor pieces for seats, portion of windscreen/a-frame, convertible clamshell, tunneau cover, safety rollbars, badges, and rims all came from a Nissan 350Z
- Custom brushed the removal of tape, camo, and vinyl coverings
- Changed car color to a dark blue trying to keep as much original reflections in the camo flat black paint/covering
Execution Highlights - Profile
- Donor pieces for seats, portion of windscreen/a-frame, convertible clamshell, tunneau cover, safety rollbars, badges, and rims all came from a Nissan 350Z
- Custom brushed the removal of tape, camo, and vinyl coverings
- Updated white driver's side door to match the rest of the body color and added in proper reflections
- Changed car color to a dark blue trying to keep as much original reflections in the camo flat black paint/covering
Final Thoughts: This was my hardest project to date for InsideLine. I made the publish deadline but wasn't happy with the results. I spent another two nights doing more cleanup and color correction. Scott had his team update the images the next day and I was much happier with the final product. A lot of online conversation was generated from the article so I knew we had done a good job in getting this out quickly.
Original Blog Link: First Photos of the 2010 Nissan 370Z Convertible
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